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  • Writer's pictureTom Economou

Call for sharing Good Practices

Dear Colleagues,

The SLIDEshow Project ( aims to strengthen the profile of the teaching profession enabling teachers to better adopt innovative practices, in this particular case the adoption of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL). In addition to offering personalised training to primary school and lower secondary school teachers, the project will equally enhance the professional competences of teacher educators in order to help them better support, monitor, and personalise the professional development of teachers in using SRL for themselves and their classes.

As part of our results we want to publish a selection of good practices in self-regulated learning in a class room situations. This will be a publication with the best contributions included for consumption by other teachers, teacher educators, researchers and policy makers.  Apart from the publication, the results will also be made available on-line via teacher repositories such as always given credit to the authors.

Under the motto "From practice for practice", all teachers are invited to participate alone or in a team in a publication to be submitted. The submitted contributions will be reviewed by the editorial staff, but will not be submitted to a peer review.

In a first step we ask you to submit an idea for a contribution to our publication via this on-line form.

The deadline for submission of the proposal is 30.11.2018.

For this call you ONLY have to fill in the proposal until 30 November. Only after notification by the editorial board you will be invited to submit a full text by end of March 2019. The next phase is the editorial review and feedback by the end of May, then the final version needs to be submitted by mid-July and the proofs should be available by September 2019 to have it published in October 2019.

Thank you for your interest and for your submission. We are happy to answer any questions you may have at any time.

Yours sincerely, The Slideshow team

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