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Self-Regulated Learning and Time Management for Remote Learning Environments

Updated: Jul 31, 2020

by Katia Alexiou

Doukas School

Being a 21st century student in a traditional classroom is a challenging task entailing engagement in learning experiences that develop hard skills (i.e. reading, mathematics, science) as well as soft skills (i.e. analyzing information, teamwork, digital media literacy and presentation skills, self-regulated learning skills) of the interconnected world. To this direction, educators, researchers and policy makers attempted to address the issue of ‘supporting 21st century learners so as to be better prepared to conquer the challenges of tomorrow.’

But, tomorrow is now! Being a student during the COVID-19 pandemic is an uncharted area. Across Europe and worldwide, schools are transformed into remote learning environments. In such a tremendously demanding situation, students may experience a decrease in motivation, which may inevitably lead to low achievement and cast a negative impact on their well-being. Bearing in mind the above, it is crucial to assist learners in acquiring a set of Self-Regulated Learning skills (such as setting goals, organizing learning activities, managing times and using a repertoire of learning strategies) for thriving in the emerging hybrid learning situations.

Exploiting the contemporary technological scene, we introduce the electronic portfolio (ePortfolio) as an interactive tool that prompts students to assume responsibility for their own learning processes and advances Self-Regulated Learning skills. Specifically, time planning and management constitute a self-regulatory process during which individuals attempt to control their own overt behaviour so as to boost their performance. In that sense, the delivery of an ePortfolio as a Self-Regulated Learning task that will engage students in managing their time and support them is proposed in order to:

o Realize their need for effective time management

o Recognize their own patterns of planning

o Use time management strategies

o Utilize planning applications

o Monitor and assess their time planning and management

Examples of Time Management Tools:

Source: Alexiou A., Paraskeva F. (2015) Managing Time Through a Self-regulated Oriented ePortfolio for Undergraduate Students. In: Conole G., Klobučar T., Rensing C., Konert J., Lavoué E. (eds) Design for Teaching and Learning in a Networked World. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9307. Springer, Cham doi

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