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Ο1 Self-Regulated Learning Assessment Toolkit

An expected result of output 1 was to develop new material for the tMail application. For this purpose two different types of materials have been produced. The themes were: (1) How to support students' SRL, and (2) How to assess students' SRL. They were done based on the literature review that was done at the beginning of the Output 1. Below is a short introduction about each of the materials that were created.


How to support students’ SRL

This part is showing in details how teachers can support their students SRL skills in educational settings. In this part, it is discussed what type of challenges students are facing if they are lacking of different SRL skills, why teachers should support their students SRL skill development, and how teacher can support their students' SRL. Material is showing practical examples, how teachers can support their students' SRL skills with different technological solutions or then with practical instructions which can stimulate students' SRL use in educational settings.


How to assess students’ SRL (how teachers can assess their students' SRL skills in educational settings)

In this part, it is discussed why teachers should assess their students' SRL skills, how it helps the teachers work, and what are the practical ideas on how teachers can actually assess their students' SRL skills. Practical examples show how teachers can assess their students' SRL but also how teachers can interpret the material they are collecting about their students' SRL skills. You can find the materials in its entirety from the tMail application, under the courses named: (1) How to Support Students’ SRL, (2) How to Assess Students’ SRL.

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